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synchronicity part zwei: Discovery World road kill

Last year’s installation introduced the Dark Side of the Rainbow concept in classic synchronicity style, “you raise the blade/you make the change/you rearrange me ‘till...” flying monkeys take Toto away, ARF!

Our events, like any new medium, (the electric guitar, FM radio, internet streaming MP3s) are about bringing you new technology, and then spanking it’s ass with mega-bass from outer space that flattens Discovery World like road kill, SQUOOSH!

What will happen: in the foreground a classic movie videotape will be played through a software TV “tuner” via a LCD projector. Then, a classic rock album synched to the movie, will be played through an iTunes’ G-Force “visualizer” (a program that uses sound to create cyber-cool textures of form and color) to create a psychedelic frame of synchronicity around the movie.

Tonight’s installation takes last year’s synchronicity up to a third dimension: enjoy synchronicities that relate the music to the movie, the music to the visualizer, and the visualizer to the movie. Only at a Drop Bass p-p-party, baby!

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